If you love fantasy and mythology, blue dragons are some of the coolest creatures out there.
Let’s talk about Blue Dragon Names.
These names capture the power, mystery, and charm of these amazing beings.
Whether you’re a writer, gamer, or just a dragon fan, finding the perfect Blue Dragon Name is a must.
In this article, we’ll look at the Blue Dragon names list, including some well-known names like Qing Long, Seiryu, and Cheong-ryong.
We’ll also talk about what these names mean and how they are shown in different cultures and media.
Whether you love myths or are just curious about the Blue Dragon, you’ll enjoy learning about these Blue Dragon names.
10 Famous Blue Dragon Names with Meanings:

The Blue Dragon has been called by different names over time, appearing in diverse cultures and stories.
Let’s explore some of the most well-known Blue Dragon names:
- Bahamut: Known as the King of Dragons in many fantasy worlds, Bahamut is often shown as a huge blue dragon with great power and wisdom. Legends say he protects the world from evil forces.
- Eltanin: Eltanin is a celestial dragon linked with the star Gamma Draconis in stories. Usually depicted as a majestic blue dragon, Eltanin symbolizes cosmic power and guardianship.
- Saphira: In Christopher Paolini’s Inheritance Cycle, Saphira is a crucial character and a noble blue dragon bonded with the main character, Eragon. She represents loyalty, strength, and a deep connection to her rider.
- Meraxes: In George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, Meraxes was one of the three dragons ridden by Aegon the Conqueror. This blue dragon played an important role in the Targaryen conquest of Westeros.
- Niv-Mizzet: From the Magic: The Gathering universe, Niv-Mizzet is an ancient and brilliant dragon known for his strong curiosity and mastery of magic. As a blue dragon, he combines smarts with powerful magical abilities.
- Qing Long: Known as the “Azure Dragon” in Chinese culture, Qing Long symbolizes the east and the spring season. It’s a prominent figure among the Four Symbols and frequently appears in Chinese art and architecture.
- Seiryu: In Japanese mythology, Seiryu is the “Green Dragon” associated with the east and autumn season. It’s one of the Four Divine Beasts and is popularly featured in Japanese media like anime and video games.
- Cheong-ryong: The “Blue Dragon” in Korean mythology, Cheong-ryong embodies the east and the spring season. It holds a significant place in Korean art and is revered as one of the most formidable creatures in Korean folklore.
- Ao: In Chinese tradition, Ao simply means “Azure” and represents the east and spring season. It’s often depicted in Chinese art and sometimes symbolizes authority and power.
- Azurite: Known in Western mythology, Azurite is a mystical name associated with the Blue Dragon, often linked to the sky and considered a powerful creature in mythical tales.
These blue dragon names each have their own stories and roles in their respective mythologies, stories, and games, making them memorable and iconic in the realm of dragons.
40 Cool Blue Dragon Names with Meanings:

- Azureus: Bright blue sky.
- Cyanus: Blue-green shade.
- Aqua: Water, shades of blue.
- Indigo: Deep blue-purple.
- Neptune: Roman god of the sea.
- Cerulean: Sky-like blue.
- Lapis: Deep blue gemstone.
- Sapphire: Precious blue gem.
- Cobalt: Vivid blue pigment.
- Hydra: Mythological blue-scaled creature.
- Drogon: Fantasy blue dragon.
- Zephyr: Greek god of west wind.
- Periwinkle: Light purplish-blue.
- Turquoise: Blue-green mineral.
- Moray: Blue-green eel.
- Frostbite: Icy blue colors.
- Glacier: Cold, icy blue.
- Typhoon: Dark blue storm clouds.
- Cascade: Flowing water, blue.
- Mariner: Sailor, sea’s blue.
- Tempest: Violent storm, blue skies.
- Boreas: Greek god, blue wings.
- Cyanide: Toxic blue compound.
- Aqua Marine: Sea water, blue-green.
- Oceanus: Titan god of the ocean.
- Elysium: Greek paradise, blue skies.
- Nimbus: Cloud type, blue.
- Aegean: Sea’s deep blue.
- Iris: Blue flower varieties.
- Denim: Blue cotton fabric.
- Ceruleus: Sky blue.
- Admiral: Naval officer, sea authority.
- Poseidon: Greek sea god, blue waves.
- Kraken: Sea monster, blue scales.
- Arctic: Icy blue North Pole.
- Eclipse: Celestial event, blue hues.
- Abyss: Dark, immeasurable blue.
- Aquilo: Roman god of north wind.
- Wavecrest: Top of wave, blue.
- Blizzard: Icy blue snowstorm.
60 Male Blue Dragon Names with Meanings:

- Abyssalclaw: Claw of the deep sea
- Glacierscale: Scale like glacier ice
- Oceanshadow: Shadow of the ocean
- Ceruleanfire: Cerulean-colored fire
- Frostheart: Heart of frost
- Azuregale: Azure-colored gale
- Deepseafang: Fang from the deep sea
- Sapphirefrost: Frost like sapphire
- Whirlpoolwing: Wing like a whirlpool
- Icestormclaw: Claw that brings ice storms
- Azureblaze: Bright blue fire
- Cobaltclaw: Blue sharp claw
- Stormwing: Violent weather flight
- Glacierheart: Ice core
- Oceanusfire: Ocean fire
- Sapphirion: Sapphire-like
- Frostbite: Cold bite
- Indigospark: Deep blue spark
- Thunderstrike: Lightning strike
- Skysong: Sky music
- Blueflame: Blue fire
- Iceshard: Ice shard
- Midnightfrost: Night ice
- Sapphireglide: Sapphire glide
- Stormscale: Storm armor
- Oceanicthorn: Ocean thorn
- Skyblaze: Sky fire
- Frostfang: Cold fang
- Blueclaw: Blue claw
- Indigosky: Deep blue sky
- Thundercrash: Lightning crash
- Skyfrost: Sky ice
- Sapphireclaw: Sapphire claw
- Stormheart: Storm core
- Icecrush: Ice crush
- Midnightmoon: Night moon
- Thunderstorm: Lightning storm
- Skysight: Sky vision
- Bluefire: Blue fire
- Icefang: Ice fang
- Indigoblaze: Deep blue fire
- Thunderbolt: Lightning bolt
- Skyblade: Sky blade
- Sapphirestorm: Sapphire storm
- Stormfury: Storm anger
- Icescale: Ice scale
- Midnightmist: Night mist
- Thunderflash: Lightning flash
- Skywatcher: Sky watcher
- Bluewing: Blue wing
- Frostflame: Cold fire
- Indigofire: Deep blue fire
- Thunderwind: Lightning wind
- Skyglide: Sky glide
- Sapphireblade: Sapphire blade
- Stormbreaker: Storm breaker
- Icestorm: Ice storm
- Midnightshadow: Night shadow
- Thunderbeast: Lightning beast
- Skyhunter: Sky hunter
60 Female Blue Dragon Names with Meanings:

- Glacieria: Like a glacier, icy and majestic.
- Aquaflare: Aqua-blue with a fiery flare.
- Zephyra: Gentle breeze from the sky.
- Cyanice: Cold, cyan-colored.
- Azurestorm: Stormy blue skies.
- Icelily: Lily with an icy hue.
- Marinea: Relating to the deep sea.
- Borealis: Inspired by the Northern Lights.
- Ceruleana: Cerulean blue, serene and deep.
- Velvetia: Soft and smooth like velvet, in a blue shade.
- Azurea: Blue like the sky.
- Cobaltia: Deep blue.
- Stormy: Turbulent or tempestuous.
- Glacia: Relating to ice or glaciers.
- Oceana: Pertaining to the ocean.
- Sapphira: Like a sapphire gemstone.
- Frostine: Icy or frosty.
- Indigene: Deep blue-purple.
- Thundera: Related to thunder.
- Skylla: From the sky.
- Bluebelle: Beautifully blue.
- Icey: Cold like ice.
- Midnighta: Related to midnight.
- Sapphirea: Like a sapphire gemstone.
- Storma: Related to storms.
- Frostina: Icy or frosty.
- Blueberry: A blue-colored berry.
- Indigosa: Deep blue-purple.
- Thunderbolt: Lightning’s strike.
- Skydancer: Dancing in the sky.
- Sapphirella: Like a sapphire gemstone.
- Stormysea: Turbulent sea.
- Icywind: Cold wind.
- Midnightshade: Darkness of midnight.
- Thundermist: Mist during thunderstorms.
- Skyler: From the sky.
- Bluebird: A blue-colored bird.
- Frostica: Icy or frosty.
- Indiglow: Glowing indigo.
- Thunderheart: Heart like thunder.
- Skyla: From the sky.
- Sapphireflame: Blue flame-like.
- Stormcloud: Cloud in storms.
- Icesia: Cold like ice.
- Midnightstar: Stars at midnight.
- Thunderstrike: Powerful strike like thunder.
- Skyrose: Sky-colored rose.
- Bluefern: Blue-green fern.
- Frostberry: Frosty berry.
- Indiglaze: Glazed indigo.
- Thunderwave: Wave of thunder.
- Skye: From the sky.
- Sapphirefrost: Icy blue like sapphire.
- Stormflower: Flower in storms.
- Icesnow: Snowy and icy.
- Midnightbloom: Blooms at midnight.
- Thunderwing: Wings like thunder.
- Skyfire: Fiery sky.
- Bluebell: Blue flower.
- Frostwhisper: Whisper of frost.
Guide to Choosing the Best Blue Dragon Names:
Naming a blue dragon can be a fun and creative process, but it might feel like a lot at first.
Here are some easy tips to help you find the perfect blue dragon names for your majestic creature:
- Think about the Dragon’s Personality and Traits: Start by thinking about what makes your blue dragon special. Is it known for being fast, wise, or maybe its mysterious vibe? Choose a name that shows these qualities. For example, names like Swiftwing or Azure could work for a dragon known for speed or its blue color.
- Use the Dragon’s Color as Inspiration: Since your dragon is blue, think about names related to the color itself. Think of names like Sapphire, Oceanus, or even just Blue that show its color.
- Look at Mythology and Stories: Blue dragons have been in stories across cultures. Look at these stories for names that have a lot of meaning. For example, Qing Long from Chinese stories or names from fantasy books can show your dragon’s identity.
- Try a Name Generator: If you can’t think of a name, use a name generator for fantasy creatures. These tools can give you suggestions based on things like color or personality.
- Have Fun with It: Most importantly, enjoy naming your dragon. The name should mean something to you and show the dragon you’ve thought of. Mix and match ideas until you find the name that’s right.
By thinking about its traits, using its color, learning about myths, using tools like name generators, and enjoying the process, you’ll find the perfect blue dragon names.
The world of Blue Dragon Names is big and fascinating.
Whether you like names that show power, mystery, or a connection to nature, each one is really interesting.
Exploring Blue Dragon Names lets us learn about ancient stories and modern creativity.
These names not only show strength and wisdom but also make us feel amazed and curious.
So, explore the world of Blue Dragon Names and find a name that fits your dragon friend’s majestic spirit.
Enjoy the magic and history that Blue Dragon Names bring to your fantasy world!